Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Polish legend talked against Wenger

The legendary Polish goalkeeper of the 1970s - Jan Ladislav Fialka spoke quite harshly by address the Manager of Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger, after the `Gooners` attracted Petr Cech. According to Ladislav Fialka, the coach lied about Voycheck Chesney, who promised a chance to win the titular place back.
The 25-year-old pole lost this position at the beginning of the year because of his weak performances, which have reached its `peak` in the defeat with 0:2 from Southampton. Since then, under the frame stood David Ospina and with a strong final sprint the Gunners reached the third position in the Premier League. Chesney had not another record in the championship match, but kept the hopes that he will be able to change the status quo through next season.
With the arrival of Cech, who said he arrived to play regularly, a similar outcome seems unlikely, and this angered Tomashevsky, who made some revelations about promises to Chesney.
`In January I talked with the national coach Adam Navalka. He shared about his conversation with Wenger, who told him that if Chesney continues to work hard in training, then he will play again.`, said the footballer, who is known as `the man that stopped England`, because of his series of saves in the match by livescore of the World Cup 1974.
`Now it turns out that he is not telling the truth. I`m sure when Chesney expressed his willingness to remain at Arsenal, he was unaware of the coming of Cech. Wenger doesn`t say anything about your plans. Chesney must leave, because otherwise it would be a complete waste of time if you continue at Arsenal.`, added Tomashevsky.

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