Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Scandal in the national team of Brazil

The Brazilian Football Confederation denied information that the marketing company determines which players receive a call for matches of Selesao. According to the press, the Brazilian soccer bosses concluded million contract with a marketing company based in the Cayman Islands.
There were clauses in the contract, according to which the Federation owes fines, if topigracite as Neymar does not play. The contract is concluded in 2006, and in 2011 it is re-signed and marketing company has increased its influence, as has the right to insist on the inclusion in the team of certain players. It`s not only about the call, but the mandatory participation of the footballers in the matches.
This prevents the development of young players, since the sponsors urge to play only football players who already have the status of stars, comment the Brazilian media. The Brazilian Football Confederation issued a special statement on the case, saying that the coach has the right to determine the team. `No one meddle in the work of the coach.` - the organisation is categorical.

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