Monday, March 18, 2019

Federer was happy and fresh, awaiting his next opponent in London

Roger Federer has played 58 games so far this year and may reach 60 if he qualifies for the ATF Final, but the 37-year-old Swiss says he does not feel tired. Here`s what the Maestro said about her condition after the victory over Kevin Anderson in London:
I feel great. I am very happy that I still have energy. I am also fresh from a psychological point of view.
World No. 3 commented on the development of the meeting itself:

It can be said that he gave me the first break. I made a good impression and then he made two double mistakes. This certainly helped. Still, I had to take advantage of it and did it. Unfortunately, my submission was also not perfect. I did not allow this to distract or disappoint me. I kept trying. My attitude was good today.
I played aggressively, I had a good variety with my slice. Overall, it was a good match for me. Maybe for Kevin. Perhaps it was not so easy for him, as he had already qualified. This is the situation with the group format. Sometimes he can mislead you and change your attitude. You could just think of the semi-finals. I just wanted to win this last match adviced by today tennis matches of the groups, whether I would go on or not. My attitude was clear.
Today, Federer and Anderson will learn their rivals in the semifinals.